CSIR-CRI and OCP Ghana Limited Introduce Singular Fertiliser Sources to Farmers to Boost Maize and Soybean Production
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In response to the challenges posed by the halt of NPK fertiliser imports during international crises, OCP Ghana Limited has introduced an innovative solution – the OCP Singular Fertiliser, tailored to meet the specific needs of Ghanaian farmers. The CSIR-Crops Research Institute (CSIR-CRI) in collaboration with OCP Ghana Limited hosted a field day on December 11, 2023, at CSIR-CRI in Fumesua.

Purpose of the Field Day

The focus of this field day was to explore and evaluate the impact of OPC’s singular fertiliser sources on the growth and yield of maize and soybeans. Essentially, OCP Ghana Limited provided CSIR-CRI with funding and special fertiliser packages for the agronomic testing. Following the agronomic testing, a field day was organized to which farmers from Ejisu, Kwamo, and Fumesua environs in the Ashanti regions were invited to observe and evaluate the impact of OCP’s fertilizers on maize and soybean yields.

Welcome Address

In his welcome address at the commencement of the field day, Professor Branford Mochiah, the Director of CSIR-CRI, emphasised the challenges posed by the overexploitation of Ghana’s soils. Professor Mochiah highlighted the crucial nutrients of OCP singular fertilisers; nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and urea– and emphasised their significance in increasing the maize and soybean yields. He continued his address that “Farmers accustomed to a yield of 3-tonnes per hectare can increase their yield to an impressive of 5 tonnes by using OCP’s straight fertilisers. OCP fertilisers are a reliable choice that we confidently recommend to Ghanaian farmers.”

Soybeans Varieties and Demonstration Plots

Dr. Sylvester Addy, a Senior Research Scientist at CSIR-CRI, introduced the farmers to the improved soybean varieties developed by the Institute, focusing on Tondana as a high-yielding and climate-smart variety. He encouraged farmers interested in soybean cultivation to consider adopting the Tondana variety, especially in conjunction with the OCP fertiliser, to maximise their yields.

The farmers scouted the different soybean demonstration plots, encompassing control plots (soybean plots without fertiliser), fertilised soybean plots without rhizobium bacteria, and fertilised soybean plots with rhizobium bacteria. They meticulously examined each demonstration plot to witness the varying yields from the distinct treatments. Clearly, the soybean plots treated with OCP fertilizers and rhizobium inoculant exhibited superior yields and remained unaffected by pests and diseases.

Maize Demonstrations Plots

Dr. (Mrs.) Priscilla Francisco Ribeiro, a Senior Research Scientist at CSIR-CRI made it clear at the maize demonstration field government’s advocacy for the cultivation hybrid maize over open pollinated varieties. She then emphasized that CSIR-CRI has released impressive maize varieties to support farmers and the combined use of OCP fertiliser with these improved maize varieties promises a substantial increase in production.

Dr. Philip Ghanney, a Research Scientist at the Institute, introduced the farmers to singular OCP fertilisers such as Muriate of Potash (MoP), Rock Phosphate (RP), and Triple Super Phosphate (TSP), Urea, Sulphate of Ammonia (SoA) etc. He emphasised that blending these singular fertilisers results in better yields. “These singular fertilisers when blended together work similarly like NPK in the market and produce even better yields,” he said.

OCP Ghana Limited Representative

Moving on, Mr. Micheal Aklasu of OCP Ghana Limited advised farmers to view farming as a business venture. He not only promoted the use of OCP straight fertilisers but also explained the key agronomic practises farmers should adopt when applying fertilisers. Among other things, he recommended applying fertiliser 10 days to 14 days after planting and fertilising between 5 and 6 am.

Farmers Remark

In a conversation with Madam Yaa Achiaa, a farmer from Kwamo, she remarked, “By participating in the field day, I realise that farming involves numerous activities and agronomic practices. I will plant after the Christmas season with improved varieties we learned about and also use OCP fertilisers to get the same yields I saw on the demonstration fields.”

Another farmer, Mr. Victor Opoku, indicated that, “As a maize farmer, soybeans were not part of my cultivation, but witnessing the remarkable yields facilitated by the OCP fertilizers, I intend to adopt these fertilisers and venture into soybean cultivation for optimal results.”


During the field day, farmers expressed great concern about the risk of fall armyworm infestation on their farms. They received guidance on suitable measures to combat the effects of fall armyworm.

The field day proved to be engaging and informative. Farmers received education and awareness about the improved maize and soybean varieties developed by CSIR-CRI. Their enthusiasm also extended to the introduction of OCP singular fertiliser sources. The CSIR-CRI remains committed to educating and sensitising farmers about the improved varieties and the OCP singular fertilisers, with the sole aim of increasing yields and crop production across Ghana.

Authors: Dr. Priscilla Ribeiro, Patricia Konadu Mensah, Linda Agyeman, Lynda G.S. Nsafoah