Dr. Keteku Agbesi Kwadzo
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Surname:                        Keteku

Other Names:                 Agbesi Kwadzo

Qualification:                 Ph.D. Agriculture Science (Agronomy)

Current Grade:               Research Scientist

Area of Specialization:  Agronomy/Farming systems/Fertilizer technology/ Soil

                                      fertility/Innovation development

Research Experience:   Sustainable intensification agricultural systems focused on nutrient

                                      integration and conservative agriculture. Agronomy of field crops

                                      through to post-harvest, cropping systems, bio-inoculants, and fertilizer


Tel:                                0559731525/0508733820

Email:                            keteku.agbesi@yahoo.com / k.agbesi@cropsresearch.org

Nationality:                   Ghanaian

Station:                          Legumes and Oilseeds Division, Fumesua.

Brief Bio:                     Dr. Keteku Agbesi Kwadzo obtained his doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in

                                      Agriculture (agronomy) from the Naresuan University, Thailand.  He

                                      also attended the Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, India

                                      and obtained an MSc. degree in Agronomy. His Bachelor’s degree honours

                                      (B.Sc. Hons) was in Agriculture Technology from the University for

                                      Development Studies, Ghana.

                                      He joined the CSIR-Crops Research Institute as a research scientist in

                                      2021. He has varied research interests from crop improvement and post-  

                                      harvest through to soil improvement. He has researched on

                                      organochemical fertilizers and developed a granular organochemical

                                      fertilizer with hormone mixed formulas. He has worked on sustainable

                                      farming and cropping systems- the inclusion of Jatropha fuel blends into

                                      farming systems. He also worked on post-harvest storage pest control

                                      technologies for rice and Bambara groundnut. He has conducted both on-

                                      station and on-farm research activities in Ghana, India and Thailand.

                                      His current research interest is in sustainable intensification agriculture,

                                      focused on crop improvement through integrated nutrient management

                                      and biofortification strategies. He is interested in crop-soil-water

                                      dynamics and their relationship to climatic variabilities. He has interest

                                      in agronomic techniques that promotes crop tolerance to drought and also

                                      in legumes and oilseeds cropping systems. He continues to study

                                      physiological responses of plants to drought. He has keen interest in the

                                      development of extension packages for on-farm best nutrient, soil

                                      moisture, weeds and insect pest management practices. Dr. Keteku has

                                      over ten (10) scientific refereed articles, and two (2) conference papers to

                                      his credit. He also review for several international journals and

                                      supervises few post-graduate students in Ghana.