CSIR-CRI AICCRA-Ghana Project Hold Annual Review and Planning Meeting
The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA)-Ghana Project at CSIR-CRI held its Annual Review and Planning Meeting at Fumesua on Thursday, 10th February, 2022. The AICCRA project is a new initiative that will enhance access to climate information services and validated climate-smart agricultural technologies in Africa.
The meeting brought together members of the project team, including the Director of CSIR-CRI, Prof. M.B. Mochiah. In his welcome address, Prof. Mochiah praised the leadership of the project for their great effort in bringing the project into fruition. He called for greater commitment of team members to ensure success of the project.
The Principal Investigator, Dr. Stephen Yeboah, reviewed the project activities for 2021 and plans for 2022.
The plan mainly centred on three main deliverables. These comprised the development of training manuals on Climate-Smart Agriculture and One Health Innovations using AICCRA prioritized value chains and the setting up of Farm Demonstrations and Farmer Capacitation on Climate-Smart Agriculture and One Health Innovations.
With the support of AICCRA projects, farmers and livestock keepers will be able to better anticipate climate-related events and take preventive actions, with better access to climate advisories linked to information about effective response measures. This will help communities better safeguard their livelihoods and the environment.
The AICCRA project is supported by a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank, and will enhance research and capacity building activities by the CGIAR and its partners.