Mr. Natson Eyram Amengor

Qualification: M.A. Economics
Area of Specialization: Economics
Research Interests: Impact Assessment, Agricultural
Innovation Platform (IP) facilitation, Economic Policy Analysis,
Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency,
Gender diversity, Food security, Climate change and adaptation,
Result-Based Management-Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E),
Social Statistics, Commodity value chains, Marketing systems
Tel: +233 242 258 343
Nationality: Ghanaian
Station: Fumesua, Kumasi (Ghana)
Mr. Natson Eyram Amengor holds a M.A. (Economics) and a B.A. (Economics)-both from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He has since been working with the CSIR-Crops Research Institute as an agricultural economist after graduating in 2012. He also holds a Diploma in Education from the University of Education, Winneba.
He has contributed to the release of a number of crop varieties including sweetpotato and maize under the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP). He is the leader of the GREAT MAIZE project and has published widely in international and regional based journals in the areas of policy analysis, agricultural economics and development economics. He is well equipped with econometric and programming-based approaches.
Some of the projects Mr. Amengor has been involved in include:
Principal Investigator: Impact of Improved Sweetpotato Technologies on productivity and income of farmers in Ghana.
Facilitator: COTVET SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FUND (SDF) SUPPORT-Training of Value Chain Actors-seed producers, processors and agro input dealers
Local Scientific Partner: Establishing Typical Rice Farms in Ghana- Von Thunen Institute of Farm Economics, Braunsweig- Germany
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer: Systems of Rice Intensification Project
Team leader: Potential Adoption of WAAPP/CSIR-CRI released sweetpotato varieties
Team leader: Sweetpotato Value Chain Survey under the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme
Focal person: Rice Value Chain Innovation Platform Operations-Feed the future Rice Project (FTF)
Team Leader: Survey on Sweetpotato Adoption Study under the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme
Mr. Natson Amengor is an old student of Pope John’s Secondary School.