Dr. Kennedy Agyeman

Qualification: PhD. Agronomy
Email: agyemanken@yahoo.com
Research Interest:
- Using both empirical and predictive methods to understand crop and soil relationship in the context of climate changes and increased biodiversity loss.
- Improving integrated soil nutrient management for crop production
- reclamation of degraded soils for agriculture
Phone (Cell): +233 244 886109
Nationality: Ghanaian
Station: Fumesua, Kumasi-Ghana
Dr. Agyeman is a senior research scientist at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Crops Research Institute (CSIR-CRI), the principal Agricultural research arm of Ghana. He is located at the Crop Research Institute head office in Fumesua, Ashanti region and functions within the sustainable agricultural production Unit of the CSIR – CRI. He is the principal investigator for the Bambara groundnut for enhanced food security project in Ghana.
Dr. Agyeman is also the principal investigator for the “nutrient management options for cassava production” project in Ghana (OCP-Africa). Both research activities are national priority efforts in the institute’s mission of diversifying crop production and solving the global environmental sustainability issues. He has conducted extensive research either as team leader or member in the areas of crop resource management, environmental and soil nutrient management on a variety of crops and worked on projects such as “Drought Tolerant for Maize” (DTMA) and West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP II). He was the lead agronomist for the development and dissemination of improved agronomic technologies for maize production under the Support to Agricultural Research for Development of Strategic Crops in Africa (AFDB SARD-SC) in 2014. He was part of the research teams that developed and released over twenty (20) crop varieties of maize and cassava including CRI Akomapa, Crops Honampa, CRI Joe-Manu and CRI Bright.
Dr. Agyeman holds a Ph.D. (Agronomy) and M.Sc. (Agroforestry) from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He obtained a B.Sc. (Agriculture) degree from UCC in 2004. He has a good number of peer reviewed publications in both local and international journals (Pi Center), book chapters, production guides and manuals. As an agronomist, he has trained several technicians, agricultural extension agents and farmers in soil and crop nutrient management and good agronomic practices. He has travelled and conducted research in various centres and attended numerous conferences and workshops.
Dr. Kennedy Agyeman a member of the Ghana Science Association and CSIR- Research Staff Association (RSA). He is also affiliated to the Fertilizers and Soil Health and Ghana Technical Committee on Compost.