Dr. Jonas Osei-Adu
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Qualification: PhD. Agricultural Economics
Email: aduseiz@yahoo.co.uk

Area of Specialization:  Agricultural Economics

Research Interests: Impact evaluation, Agricultural Innovation Systems (IS)-Innovation Platform(IP) facilitation, Economic analysis, Agricultural productivity and efficiency, Gender diversity, Food security, Climate change and adaptation, Result-Based Management-Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Social Statistics, Commodity value chains, Agricultural market systems

Nationality: Ghanaian
Station: Fumesua, Kumasi (Ghana)

Tel: +233 501 381 887/+233 209 058 329

Dr. Jonas Osei-Adu is a Senior Research Scientist with the CSIR-Crops Research Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi where he previously graduated with an M.Phil. (Agricultural Economics) and a B.A. (Economics). He is also an old student of St. Charles Minor Seminary/Secondary School, Tamale. Dr. Osei-Adu joined the Institute as a Principal Technical Officer in 2008 and was promoted to a Research Scientist after serving for two (2) years.
Jonas has been involved in socio-economics research activities since he joined the Institute. His activities cover mainly research proposal development, project co-ordination and development of socio-economics methodology, data collection, development of technical, scientific an

d technology transfer materials.

He is the WAAPP IAR4D national focal person and he also facilitated the dissemination of planting materials to over 600 farmers in 14 Innovation Platforms (IPs) across seven districts.
Dr. Osei-Adu has served on several committees such as the SCARDA Proposal Writing team and the Strategic Plan Review Committee. He was also the rapporteur for the National Centre of Specialization Regional Conference on Root and Tubers as well as the Project Co-ordinator for the Agricultural Productivity Technology Center (APTC) at the Institute.

Some major projects Dr. Osei-Adu has been involved in, include the following:
Coordinator, CSIR-CRI Agricultural Productivity Technology Centre (APTC)
Leader of Management, M&E, Community Action in Improving Farmer Saved-Seed Yam (CAY-Seed) Project
IAR4D Focal

Person, West Africa Agriculture Productivity Programme (WAAPP)
Resource Person, Improved Yam Storage for Food Security and Income Project Innovation Platform facilitators training
Lead Economist, The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) Socio Economic Assessment of Cocoa Based Vegetable Seed System
Dr. Osei-Adu has over 53 publications comprising refereed journal papers, technical reports, conference papers, posters and production guides.
He is married with 3 children.

Tel: +233 501 381 887/+233 209 058 329