The CSIR-Crops Research Institute is a public research institute established in 1964 and transformed into its current form by CSIR Act 521 in 1996. It is the largest of the 13 Institutes under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and mandated to develop and transfer agricultural innovations and technologies relating to food and industrial crops in Ghana. With its headquarters in Kumasi, CSIR-CRI’s vision is to become a Centre of Excellence for innovative and quality agricultural research for development. As a result, the Institute aims at developing and disseminating appropriate technologies for high and sustainable food and industrial crop production both at the national and international levels.
The Institute is organized into several technical and non-technical Divisions with each headed by a Head of Division. The Divisions include Horticulture Improvement, Cereals Improvement, Roots and Tubers Improvement, Plant Health, Resource, Crop Management and Socio-Economics, Legumes and Oil Seed Improvement, Biotechnology, Seed and Postharvest, Commercialization, Scientific Support Services, Administration and Finance. The Institute is headed by a Director assisted by a Deputy Director. The Institute offers services and products to all the food and industrial crops value chain actors. Key among these actors are farmers, agricultural extension personnel, seed companies, exporters, agro input suppliers, manufacturing companies, international agencies and government.
The Institute currently has a staff strength of 572 with over ninety (90) senior members (research scientists and technologists), and the remaining being field and office staff. The Institute over the years has developed several technologies for farmers and industry. These technologies range from new improved and high yielding crop varieties through agronomic and plant health to post-harvest technologies. The Institute also collaborates with several institutions both locally and internationally.