Dr. Joseph Adomako
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Qualification:PhD, Plant Nematologis
Email: kofiadomako@yahoo.com

Phone (Office): +233(3220)50410
Yahoo Messenger Id: kofiadomao

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Mr. Joseph Adomako, a Plant Nematologist, of the CSIR-Crops Research Institute is an alumnus of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Kumasi-Ghana). He holds a Master of Science degree in Crop Protection. He has varied research interests in nematode pest management and disease forecasting. He has passion in developing low cost, sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies in the management of pest and diseases associated with food crops in Ghana. He’s been involved in surveying and reporting on nematode diversity, frequency and distribution of parasitic nematodes associated with food crops in the different agro-ecologies of the country, their economic threshold levels, the abundance or otherwise of nematodes in the different soil series in Ghana. He has also been a facilitator in organized community outreaches including plant clinics, an initiative of plantwise, CABI. He is an alumnus of the Center for Development Innovation, Wageningen UR where he received training in Integrated Pest Management.

Adomako is a member of CSIR- Research Staff Association (RSA) and Ghana Science Association.