Biotechnology, Seed and Postharvest (BSP) Division
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The Biotechnology, Seed and Postharvest Division comprises three (3) sections namely Biotechnology, Seed Science and Postharvest. The goal of the division is to enhance plant breeders’ effort in the development and disseminating of mandate crop varieties for sustainable seed and food security in Ghana and the sub-region using standardized laboratory methods.

The Division also uses its state-of-the-art facility to enhance the capacity of graduate students through training. It provides support services to the Institute’s breeding programs, makes critical inputs into the official release of varieties to enhance their adoption potential.

The Division also offers client services to industry, individuals and Institutions. It is the only Division in the Institute that has acquired ISO\IEC 17025:2005 accreditation for one of its test methods. This was accredited by the South African National Accreditation Systems (SANAS) in 2018.

Areas of specialization: Tissue Culture, Molecular BiologySeed Processing, Testing and Storage, Biochemistry, Postharvest Biology Technology

Research Output/Technologies

Over the years the division has achieved the following:

  1. Established protocols for rapid in vitro propagation and conservation of vegetatively propagated crops.
  2. Mass propagation of mandated crops especially the vegetatively propagated crops
  3. Establishment of aeroponics and hydroponics systems for yam propagation
  4. Training of commercial seed growers on aeroponics and hydroponics systems for yam propagation
  5. Genetic fingerprinting of the Institute’s mandate crops
  6. Marker assisted selection for targeted traits in mandate crops
  7. Molecular diagnostics of pathogens (viruses, bacteria etc) in crop varieties to ensure the availability of quality declared planting materials
  8. Developed new protocol for assessment of wound response physiology in starchy root crops [yam (Dioscorea rotundata) and sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas)] in relation to shelf life, for use in breeding programs
  9. Developed several innovative and consumer accepted food products and processing methodologies
  10. Snack-type and breakfast-type and other innovative processed foods from root crops
  11. High-value shelf-stable tomato products (jam, ketchup)
  12. Meat and milk substitutes from common bean (Phaseolus sp.)
  13. Developed training programs for capacity-building in low-capital micro enterprise level processing of various food and industrial crops

Research Interests

The research interest of the Tissue Culture Section is to use chemical sterilization, meristem and shoot tip cultures, and thermotherapy to clean introduced, advanced and released plantlets in culture from fungus, bacteria and viruses. The laboratory is also interested in in vitro mass propagation through the use of the traditional system, temporary immersion bioreactor system and Plant form, bulking of planting materials in the screenhouse using aeroponics and hydroponics systems to make available certified seeds for commercial seed producers and farmers, in vitro conservation and cryopreservation.

The Molecular Biology Section uses molecular-based markers such as Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLPs), Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) to hasten the breeding cycle. Some activities conducted by the Laboratory include nucleic acid extraction, genetic fingerprinting, marker assisted selection for targeted traits, molecular diagnostics of pathogens, RT-PCR and qPCR. The Section has a Biosafety wing which oversees the protection of staff working in all the Institute’s laboratories to ensure that work is performed in a safe and secured environment.

The Seed Science Section researches into seed quality systems, management and development of innovative technologies for crops varieties released into Ghana’s seed system. The Section is also interested in implementing internal seed quality control systems for the Institute, manage seed conditioning and storage, build the capacity of seed specialists and prospective seed growers, manage all germplasm of the Institute, processing and storage of breeder and foundation seeds for research institutes, universities and private seed companies.

The Biochemistry and Postharvest Section researches into the physiology and biochemistry of the Institute’s mandate crops and conduct studies on the handling of food and industrial crops from harvest right down to utilization. This is to enable the design of technologies that influence supply chains and value chains, to ensure end-user satisfaction and also to reduce the extent of postharvest losses.

The Division kindly invites individuals, institutions and organizations to patronize its facilities and services at moderate costs.