Daniel Dzorkpe Gamenyah
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Daniel Dzorkpe Gamenyah

Tel: 0248277257

Email: gamenyahdaniel@gmail.com

Nationality: Ghanaian

Station:  Fumesua

Qualification:  MPhil Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

Current Grade:  Assistant Research Scientist

Research Interest: Rice /Wheat Breeding (Biotic, Abiotic stresses and Grain quality traits)

Research Experience:

Projects: KAFACI RICE, KOPIA RICE, AFRICARICE, EXCELLENCE in BREEDING (EiB), ARIMA FARMS Number of Publications (Peer review publication): 12

Brief Bio:

Daniel obtained a B.Sc. (Agriculture Science) degree from the University of Cape Coast in 2012. He holds an MPhil (Plant Breeding and Biotechnology) at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Technology (CCST), Kumasi, Ghana in 2022.

He is an Assistant Research Scientist and Rice Breeder with CSIR-Crops Research Institute and the Site Manager of the NEWEST rice (transgenic rice transformed for nitrogen use efficiency, drought and salt tolerance) project in Ghana. Daniel holds a certificate in consultancy practices (Rice Consultant). He was a 2023 KAFACI Young Scientist, South Korea.

He is part of a team that developed and released many lowland and upland rice varieties in Ghana. He is a rice seed producer and a member of the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) in Ghana. He’s part of the research team for the Ghana Wheat Initiative program at CSIR-CRI. He also trained rice farmers and seed producers in good agricultural practices.