Ing. Dr. Shadrack Kwadwo Amponsah
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Qualification: Ph.D. Agricultural Machinery Engineering

Area of Specialization:  Agricultural Mechanization
Research Interests:  Appropriate Intermediate Technology, Post-Harvest Management, Farm Machinery Design, Fabrication, Machine Evaluation

Telephone:     +233 243 571 076
Nationality:     Ghanaian
Station:           Fumesua, Kumasi (Ghana)

Ing. Dr. Shadrack Kwadwo Amponsah won the “Most Published Author in Engineering” award at the 2018 Engineers Excellence Awards (EEA) organized by the Ghana Institute of Engineering.
He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Machinery Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology-where he had earlier on graduated with an M.Sc. in Agricultural Machinery Engineering and a B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering.
Dr. Amponsah has varied research interests such as the evaluation of agricultural machinery and equipment, farm structures and machinery/equipment fabrication and currently enrolled as a research scientist at the CSIR-Crops Research Institute.
He was a research and teaching assistant during his national service at the School of Agriculture, University of Cape Coast. He was also an Assistant Field Engineer for the West African Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP) Project on demonstration and popularization of mechanical cassava harvesting.
He was a Linnaeus-Palme Exchange Programme student at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Uppsala, Sweden during his M.Sc. programme in 2010. He also successfully completed a 3-month research fellowship under the CV Raman Fellowship for African researchers at the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, India in 2013.
Dr. Amponsah has a good number of peer reviewed publications in both local and international journals. He has travelled extensively, conducted research in various centres and attended numerous conferences and workshops.
He has a good knowledge and experience in project management and writing of research proposals for funding.
Dr. Amponsah attended the St. Martins’ Senior High School at Nsawam and has the following local and international affiliations:
    Member, Research Scientist Association (RSA), Ghana
    Member, Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineers (GSAE)
    Member, Ghana Science Association (GSA)
    Reviewer for the Journal of Root Crops, India.