Qualification: PhD. Plant Pathology
Email: inceaidoo07@yahoo.co.uk; attakwesiaidoo@gmail.com; a.aidoo@cropsresearch.org
Designation: Plant Pathologist
Area (s) of Specialization: Plant disease diagnosis, disease management, fungal ecology, pesticide regulation, environmental science, postharvest storage and seed pathology
National Collaboration: MoFA, KNUST, CSIR-CCST, CSIR-SRI, CSIR-SARI
International Collaboration: KAFACI, KOPIA, BAYER, IITA, NATURNOVA
Key Areas of Research: Development of appropriate and adoptive disease control measures for major crops, especially yam, rice, cassava, sweet potato, maize and vegetables. He is currently conducting major research activities such as:
- Engaging Local Communities in Endangered Trees and Minor Crops Utilisation for Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Enrichment (EMBRACE Project, 2024 till date)
- VACS Okra Breeding Project (2024 till date)
- Evaluation of the efficacy of Urtical (Adamfo Pa) in managing pests and diseases of selected crops in Ghana.
- Studies on the potential of a native Purpureocilium lilanum culture in managing root knot nematodes in Ghana (Pathology Lab Basic Research, 2023 till date)
- Developing integrated disease management strategies for managing major diseases of rice in Ghana (KOPIA Rice Pest and Disease Project, 2022-2024).
- Efficacy of a fungicide against fungal diseases of tomato (BAYER Project)
- Efficacy of a bactericide against bacterial diseases of tomato (BAYER Project)
Dr. Kwesi Atta Senior Aidoo has an ambition to make a great impact on the society and the nation as a whole by making good use of all skills and knowledge acquired in life. He is abreast with modern trend of doing things and also a computer literate with good interpersonal skills.
Dr. Aidoo is an employee of CSIR-Crops Research Institute, Fumesua, Kumasi, as a Senior Research Scientist. He currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in General Agriculture (2007), Master’s degree in Plant Pathology (2011) and Doctor of Philosophy degree in Plant Pathology (2023), all from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. He is a member of the CSIR-Research Staff Association (RSA).
His research interests are in diagnosis, identification and control of economically important plant diseases that affect crops like root and tubers, cereals, vegetables and ornamentals. He has worked on crops like yam, cassava, banana, rice, maize and mango. He is currently working on rice with his immediate superior in the Volta Region. He was involved in a technology transfer activity across several districts of Ghana. He has training in Insect Pathology, offered by CABI International, England in 2013 and Pesticide handling, offered by Wageningen University, The Netherlands in 2016. He currently has over twenty-two (22) peer-reviewed journal publications to his credit with over thirty (30) other publications.
Beside research, Dr. Aidoo is a part-time lecturer at the Crop and Soil Science Department of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. He is as well an appointed assembly member of the Oforikrom Municipal Assembly.
Dr. Aidoo is a former worker of Non-Formal Education Division, Ministry of Education as a Programme Officer. He was a technical assistant at CSIR-Crops Research Institute from 2007 to 2008 during his national service period.